Buddhist teaching
Eight Verses for Training the Mind in Compassion
The Buddhist teaching ‘Eight Verses for Training the Mind in Compassion’ is based on the far-reaching insight and wisdom contained in one of Tibet’s greatest classical texts.
His Holiness has said that these verses, written by Geshe Langri Thangpa (1054-1123), are a great source of inspiration for him. He received the direct transmission and explanation while as a young boy in Lhasa, and recites the verses every day as part of his personal practice.
The text teaches us how to deal with our emotions, to train our minds in developing more compassion and to make the right ethical choices. From this teaching we can learn how to transform the greatest misfortunes into positive opportunities. And, perhaps more importantly: how we can maintain inner peace. The text gives a concise explanation of how a true bodhisattva develops humility and a compassionate attitude.
The first seven verses of the ‘Eight Verses for Training the Mind in Compassion’ discuss the practices aimed at developing compassion, an altruistic attitude, achieving Buddhahood and so forth. The subject of the eighth verse is the cultivation of wisdom on the path.